A little about LIANNA

Lianna Marie is a non-fiction and self-help author. She writes with a hopeful perspective to help bring light into what might otherwise be dark topics. Her mom is her greatest inspiration, and was the driving force behind her books about Parkinson’s.

The Complete Guide for People with Parkinson's Disease and Their Loved Ones

An easy-to-read guide that answers the most important questions about Parkinson’s. Full of vital facts, helpful hints, and critical information for anyone recently diagnosed and their loved ones.

Everything You Need to Know About Caregiving for Parkinson's Disease

A go-to resource for all those caring for someone with Parkinson’s. Includes practical tips and guidance about how to deal with the emotional toll of the disease.

The Parkinson's Path

Finding Your Way on the Emotional Journey of Parkinson’s Disease

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"Caregiving is a catalyst for understanding the complex and profound feelings that come with being a caregiver. Lianna’s book is exactly what is needed by all caregivers. Without such deep connectivity to this personal experience we fall short of caring at the deepest levels and supporting others who may feel lost in the abyss of the journey. Her text moved me as I reflected on my own experiences as a physician, caregiver, and human being. This is a good thing—a very good thing. Lianna explores the humanness of hope, fear, joy, and pain. What one feels throughout Caregiving is honest and true. To care means you must feel, and to feel is to be alive—even in the setting of death."

– Dr. Tim Ihrig, Hospice & Palliative Physician

"Finally a book about Parkinson’s that I can understand, a book that gives me as a caregiver so much useful information and my husband with PD a more optimistic view as he progresses thru this disease."

– Kathleen Wright

"Lianna Marie has a impressive ability to present a lot of medical information in a well organized and easy to understand format. Her shared firsthand experience of caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease is genuine and invaluable."

– Dr. Jill Enright, MD

"My husband has PSP and I am his caregiver most of the time. His illness has left him without a voice and the communication is difficult. This book was fantastic and I read it in one day. I could see all the things I was doing wrong. He still wants to be independent and he can do most things but I was smothering him. This book helped me see I was hurting him more than helping. I would recommend any caregiver to read it."

– Amazon Reviewer

"You have written an extraordinary book, and as a person living with Parkinson's, it is now my main source to turn to when I need to reassure myself, or get invaluable information and advice. on my condition. It is the most detailed source I have, and I have a small library of books on Parkinson's. I never go to see my neurologist or doctor without your book under my arm."

– Sherman Raichman

"Love this book! Told by a daughter with the help of her mom who has Parkinson's. I have used some of the hints she has given. I have also gone back and looked for help in her book. I read it fast and wished it never ended. I am a caregiver. I found it very helpful."

– Kim Stegner

"Although I was hesitant about finding out how bad things can get with PD, my fears have been replaced with knowledge and insight as I begin this journey with my diagnosed husband , who after three years is beginning to exhibit some slight progression of the disease. But our love and devotion will get us through this. Thank you for this book!."

– Amazon Reviewer

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